How to Get More Traffic on Your Brand? 17 Useful Ways


Whether you’re trying to attract your first customer or your 1,000th customer, generating more traffic to your online store is a crucial part of growing your business.

How to get more traffic on your brand? One of the most crucial steps toward small business success in the modern world is building a website. It serves as the base upon which you can establish your online presence and expand your business.

To learn how to increase website traffic, try the following strategies.

First, Questions About Increasing Website Traffic

The good news is that the steps involved in acquiring your first customer and your one hundredth are the same from a marketing perspective. There are some necessary conditions, however, to guarantee that traffic converts and the cost is manageable before it can successfully result in sales and profit. You should be asking yourself:

  • Is this a quality item?
    A “good product” means that it’s good enough for your audience and passes their implicit cost-benefits analysis.
  • The target market is it big?
    A market is a gathering of people who have already made purchases. Are people purchasing the same kind of goods?
  • Is the target market reachable?
    A group of individuals who are already making purchases and have observable similarities constitute an addressable market. Is there a market segment you can concentrate on?
  • Is the copy compelling or does the product have a great story?
    You might have a clear “why” for the product in contrast to competitors, but you need to translate that pitch to compelling web copy. Do they find your sales pitch compelling enough to buy? In the end, having excellent content will make you stand out.
  • Can you reach this audience for a reasonable price?
    Keeping customer acquisition costs low should be the main objective. Exist a number of ways for you to connect with potential clients?

Why More Website Traffic?

Some businesses ponder the significance of having a website, let alone website traffic. A website is a necessity in today’s world, even for brick and mortar businesses. At the very least, prospective customers can learn more about your company. However, in a perfect world, it would be set up so that visitors could access your sales funnel and eventually become clients.

With this kind of website, your traffic is both an essential indicator and a key factor in business expansion. It can help you to:

  • Analyze the success of your marketing.
  • To help you make decisions, gather information about your audience.
  • Enhance your SEO strategy and authority with search engines.
  • increase lead generation, conversion, and customer acquisition.

Yet achieving these benefits requires driving traffic to your website the right way, and a focus on driving quality traffic, which is why this post covers strategies that will impact your bottom line.

Free Traffic Vs. Quality Traffic

Your website’s traffic helps to raise your ranking, which attracts more visitors. However, you want to make sure that the increased traffic is also accompanied by an increase in engagement. You’re not bringing in the right traffic if your traffic is rising but your conversion rates are dropping.

There are many ways to optimize your website for conversions, including by strategically placing calls to action and lead capture forms, offering the information your visitors are looking for, and providing simple, intuitive navigation. But getting the right visitors to your website is the first step.

Free Ways to Increase Website Traffic from Google

Use Google to drive more traffic to your website for free in a few different ways.


1. Optimize Your Free Google Business Profile

Did you know that a complete Google business listing receives 7 times as many visits as one that is optimized? Remember that your listing contains a link to your website, making this a fantastic way to increase traffic there.

Also keep in mind that Google’s results pages are becoming ever more intelligent. Even better than a website visit, potential customers may choose to contact or visit your business directly if your listing contains all the information they require to make a decision.

These extra features and advantages of Google Business Profiles make it one of the best sources of high-quality website traffic.

Your Google listing:

  • is free and simple to set up.
  • enables you to appear in searches that are relevant to your location and/or company.
  • brings you more attention on a website where users are actively looking to buy.
  • enables you to attract qualified visitors to your website and shop.
  • gives customers the chance to post reviews and increase your presence even more.

Also, keep in mind that Google Business:

  • enables your company to be found in mobile searches, which have surpassed desktop searches.
  • reduces uncertainty, a major barrier to entry, by using visuals to give customers a sense of what it’s like to actually be at your business.
  • increases the likelihood of engagement and attracting new clients by giving searchers the ability to communicate with your company directly in your listing.

You cannot afford to not have a Google Business listing as a local business given the many advantages it offers. Create your listing and update it as frequently as you can.

2. Perform On-page SEO

Each page of your website can benefit from a variety of SEO techniques to improve its search engine ranking and draw in more visitors. Writing clear meta descriptions for your pages and creating high-quality content that matches the search terms used by your audience are two examples of this. Your URL is listed in search results below the meta description. Users are much more likely to click on a page if they are aware of what it is about and what will do so. These free on-page SEO strategies do require some time.

Other Free Ways to Increase Website Traffic

Here are 10 more steps you can take to drive more traffic to your website.

3. Get Listed in Online Directories

Getting listed in free online directories and review sites is another way to drive more traffic to your website. Your profile will typically include a link to your website for the majority of these sites, so actively maintaining these listings and obtaining favorable reviews is likely to increase website traffic. Additionally, many directories, including Yelp, have high domain authority on Google. There’s a chance that the free Yelp page for your company will show up highly for pertinent searches.

4. Build Backlinks

A backlink is a link from another website to yours. Backlinks from related companies or influential people in the industry will not only increase the visibility of your company but also drive targeted traffic to your website.

Additionally, Google notices backlinks and will give your company more credibility if it notices that other reliable websites are linking to yours. Higher rankings are the result of Google’s increased trust, which increases traffic. With quality backlinks, you can gain free visibility on Google.

5. Include Hashtags in Your Posts

You can expand your network beyond your network and be found by users looking for your products and services by adding hashtags to posts promoting your website pages and blog posts. The more people who click on your links, the more free traffic your website receives.

6. Use Landing Pages

Landing pages are yet another cost-free way to drive visitors to your website. These are pages specifically for your promotions, such as those for using a coupon code, downloading a free report, or beginning a trial. They give users the information they need to continue, convert, and concentrate on a single call to action, increasing the likelihood that it will be taken.

Due to the specific nature of landing pages, you can be extremely targeted with your messaging, boosting both traffic to (and conversions from) those pages.

7. Post to Social Media

Social media is one of the most well-liked free marketing tools available today and helps to increase website traffic. Promote blog posts and other helpful pages on your website using Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. By posting shareable content, you can convert your social media followers into website visitors and attract traffic from their networks.

It’s free and not as difficult as it might seem to create useful content. Since you are the product or service expert, it is your responsibility to make it understandable to your audience.

8. Target Long-tail Keywords

Even though short-tail keywords are frequently searched for more frequently, it can be more challenging to rank for them. Choosing long-tail keywords, on the other hand, increases your chances of appearing higher in search results—even on the first page—for queries related to your goods and services. A higher ranking translates into more traffic.

People are also using more precise language when searching online as search engines and voice search technology develop. You can find keywords to target using a variety of free tools, including WordStream’s free keyword tool.

9. Start Email Arketing

A great way to stay in touch with your customers and drive traffic to your website is by sending out regular newsletters and offering promotions via email. Provide relevant details and links to your website’s pages where visitors can learn more, such as blog posts and landing pages for specific offers.

Just be careful not to constantly barrage your readers with emails, or they may stop reading, delete, or unsubscribe from them.

Also, give careful consideration to the subject lines of your emails. These have a significant impact on whether or not a user opens your email. Your emails can’t bring visitors to your website if they are never opened.

10. Engage Online

Being active in online forums and on websites that are important to your community and place of business is free and it will increase traffic to your website. Participate in discussions about your industry, leave comments on blogs and social media posts, and respond to questions people post. Your exposure and profile visits increase the more you interact with your community.

You’ve turned your engagement into another channel for website traffic if your social media profiles include links to your website. Just make sure to interact politely and sincerely, and refrain from posting links to your website in comments lest you come off as spammy and damage your online and professional reputation. Increased traffic should not be the primary objective of your engagement, but rather a side effect.

11. Guest Blog

It can be helpful to drive traffic by having an industry influencer write a blog post for your website or turning an interview with them into a blog post (see the backlinks section above). This can be done both through organic search and by the influencer promoting the content to their audience. Additionally, it can help to diversify your content and demonstrate to visitors that you are engaged in your industry.

As an alternative, you could request that the influencer include your company in their own review or round-up post. Even though this method is still free, you still need to work with the influencer in a way that benefits both parties.

Another option is to blog as a guest. Find nearby businesses that complement each other and have customers who are a good fit for your enterprise. Check to see if you can write a post for their blog that includes a link to your website. To make the exchange more fair, make sure your content is pertinent to and helpful to their audience.

12. Learn from Your Analytics

Google Analytics is available for free, and the information it provides can help you increase the number of people who visit your website. For your marketing campaigns, use tracked links, and keep an eye on your website analytics. This will help you determine which tactics and content categories are effective, which ones require improvement, and which ones you should avoid wasting your time on.

Paid Ways to Drive Website Traffic from Google

Paid Google advertising is a fantastic way to attract visitors to your website who are looking for the services you offer.

13. Google Ads

With Google Ads, you can pay to have a specific landing page from your website appear at the top of search results. When a query containing those keywords is entered, Google examines all accounts bidding on those keywords and displays and ranks the paid results based on the effectiveness and relevance of the advertisement.

At the top of the results pages, paid search results are displayed first. By attracting more qualified visitors to your website, this kind of exposure is a great strategy. Also, you only get charged when someone clicks on your advertisement.

Related Reading:

14. Google Maps Advertising

In order for your company to appear at the top of Google Maps search results, you can also choose preferences through the Google Ads platform. Although there will be a notice that this is a paid result next to your listing, just like with regular paid search ads, the exposure you gain from ranking first is priceless.

Other Paid Methods of Generating Website Traffic

The best online advertising techniques to increase website traffic are social media, display, and retargeting ads.

15. Social Media Advertising

When using social media advertising, you pay to appear in relevant feeds as opposed to paying to appear at the top of relevant search results when using search advertising. You can choose the kind of audience you want to appear in front of with both forms of advertising, but social media offers excellent targeting due to the availability of more psychographic information.

16. Retargeting

Retargeting advertisements can be seen in social media feeds or on websites. They are displayed to users who have already been to your website once and are therefore more likely to visit it again.

17. Display Advertising

Placed on relevant websites, display ads are branded banner ads. Your advertisement is likely to bring relevant traffic to your website if it appears on a page about athletic equipment and you run a fitness business.

Related Reading: What Is A Characteristic Of Responsive Display Ads?

Avoid Instant Website Traffic Generators

Free website traffic does exist, but there isn’t a magic button or tool that can generate it without your involvement. If you’re considering an automatic website traffic generator of any sort for your business (paid or free), here are three reasons to avoid them:

Auto Website Traffic Generators Can Hurt Your Rankings

Google has the ability to identify spammy activity, becomes suspicious of activity spikes, and keeps track of how visitors are interacting with your website. Using an automated traffic generator or bot is likely to draw Google’s wrong attention, which will damage your relationship with them and, as a result, your ranking.

Your Traffic Won’t Be Targeted

The ultimate goal of increasing website traffic and improving your Google ranking is to increase the number of people who interact with (and hopefully buy from) your company. If your visitors aren’t specifically targeted, they’re less likely to interact with your website and you’re more likely to see a decline in your lead and conversion rates.

Your Site Could Get Banned

You run the risk of having your website blacklisted from online advertising networks or, even worse, removed from Google if your website is receiving bot traffic. Low-cost website traffic is not worthwhile! Spend some time generating dependable, high-quality traffic for your website.

As was already stated, it serves no purpose to increase website traffic if the visitors are not likely to interact with your pages, turn into leads, or make purchases. Increasing the amount of traffic to your website takes time. It takes work, but the quality of the traffic you drive will reflect the amount of work you put in.

Additionally, we’ve taken care of the difficult part—knowing what to do—for you. You can increase the number of visitors who convert to customers by using Google My Business and the other secure channels mentioned above to attract the right kind of visitors to your website.


How Do I Bring More People to the Brand Website?

One of the most common strategies for drawing visitors to your website is to promote your content on social media platforms. Social media is an area where sharing is encouraged. Through social media promotion, your content can reach a wider audience.

How Can I Build My Brand Fast?

Building a new brand essentially boils down to seven steps:

  1. Investigate your rivals and your target market.
  2. Identify your personality and focus.
  3. Select a name for your company.
  4. Write your slogan.
  5. Choose the colors and font that will represent your brand.
  6. Make the logo for your company.
  7. Integrate your company’s branding.

Final Words

Despite their busy schedules, small business owners should find time to promote their websites.

Try out the aforementioned traffic-generating techniques to begin driving traffic to your website.

Even if you have the best website in the world, no one will know how great it is—or how great your business—if you don’t drive traffic to it. It’s crucial to expanding your company, and it will be profitable.

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